I really thought last weekend was going to
suck. I was feeling kinda depressed for some reason

. But I ended up going to the fair with some friends for a school club. I ended up having a lot of
fun, and they got my mind of things for a while. I felt really
relieved afterward

. But the fair was pretty fun

. We all went on some rides and ate
a lot of food

. We even were in an ice cream eating contest, which my friend won and got a free meal at one of the food stands

. Here are some pics from the day.

Here is a view of the carnival part of the fair from the top of the Ferris Wheel.

Nom nom nom, here is us eating ice cream in the contest. Haha.

Here is the funnel cake I bought with strawberries on top. OMG this was heaven *o*

This is part of the meal my friend won, fried catfish and hush puppies, yum.

That was my Saturday, then on Sunday, me and my mom went out to go shopping and stop by
Victoria's Secret because we had a bunch of
freebies saved

We had 3 free underwear cards and a $10 t-shirt dress

. We also ended up getting a pair of flip flops because they were only $5 with a purchase

. I opted for the black t-shirt dress and some black flip-flops. Here is a pic.

I love how the underwear have a tag on them now that says "MY CHEEKS" lol how cute!

So it turned out to be a good weekend after all. But only one more week until
Spring Break, I'm super
excited because I need a break

! I hope it is warm and sunny

. I have no idea what I'm doing yet though. Hopefully it will be a
good time
! I keep losing my train of thought now, so I'm gonna stop now

. Bye!
The last time I went to a fair I ended up spending way too much money and not winning anything. D: But yay for shopping! The t-shirt dresses are soooooo comfy. :)