Ugh. It seems like all my teachers are giving me
soo much work. I have two research projects for History and English. I'm basically done with the English but come on! Really? And they chose to do this right when AP exams are getting ready to start...

I took my calculus exam already, and took part of the physics. I'm not really worried about the calculus one. I think I understand that. It is just the physics where I'm just like..?????

But, whatever... It really doesn't matter I guess. My teacher told me that for engineering physics b, without calculus, really isn't gonna do me much good. So having an okay but not amazing grade in there isn't going to make much of a difference.
So yeah. I've been wanting to go shopping like bad. I want some new
summery clothes. I think I especially want some dresses this year. I've seen some on
Forever 21's site that I like.I want a shirt kind of like this too I think...

Maybe not this exact print. But, I like the style.

It seems comfy. And I like how Forever has a new collection for plus sized women called
faith 21. Some of the clothes are cute.

I just don't like some of the weird prints they use.
yeah i need some more dresses too . i want to clear out my closet to either sell or donate somewhere . maybe we can go shopping soon !