OMG yeah, I actually have something to blog about this week

. Nothing much has really been going on with me recently. Nothing but boring stuff at least... But at least this week I got to go to our Senior Bonfire. That was fun, it was a huge fire by the football field. People kept running up to it and hiding like they thought it was gonna eat them

It was nice and warm though on the chilly night. We had a time capsule thing for the 10 year reunion too. It was all nice, I totally had some s'mores. Here is a pic of it, courtesy of my blackberry.
It doesn't seem that big in the pic but it was, and they kept throwing old Christmas tress and stuff on it, so there was a lot of little ashes flying everywhere. It was quite pretty. A bit later when me and a few of my friends were by the time capsule we realised it was closed. The capsule was a huge box painted blue with seniors on the lid and 2010 on the front. But my friend noticed a big problem...

Can you spot the fail in this picture? YEP, our Senior class president left out the i in Seniors!

Omg we all were cracking up and taking pics. The sponsor for the class is an English teacher too, she was so proud. We were all like, wow and we are the future!

But anyways I will leave you with some of my friends singing a song at the bonfire. I love my friends soo much hehehe

. I can't wait to go see Shutter Island and the Crazies tomorrow, should be fun!

You've totally been Rick Rolled :)