So I signed up for Honours English for this school year. But, over the summer I got a letter that based on my PSAT scores(wth!? does this prove anyway?

I haven't take the PSAT in 2 years) I would be good in AP Literature. I was like w/e I'll just change my schedule when the year starts... Nope! I was forced to take it for 2 weeks before making my decision.

Now I've talked to the teacher and I'm worried about the workload. But, the teacher thinks I will be perfectly fine. It's my senior year and I want to enjoy it and I'm already taking AP Calculus BC and AP Physics C which are very advanced... I just don't know if I can handle this class. But the teacher seems very convinced I can do it...
I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO!!!Sigh, but other than that I like my schedule. I have economics everyday but it is only an hour and the teacher is nice, I have ceramics and graphics too so that should be fun. Physics and Calc shouldn't be too bad cause calculus comes fairly easy to me and there is only 9 kids in both classes. Then I have a UCF engineering class which has been fun. It's kinda like a
craft class 
So yeah I've been too lazy to blog recently I'm going to try and post more often...