So first off, I went to Tampa a few weeks ago to see some of my family. It was really fun. We went to Adventure Island twice cause they are doing a buy one day and come back the rest of the open year for free thing.

Then, when my parents came so we could all take my Grandma out for her belated b-day, my mom insisted on bringing our dogs. My cousins have a dog that was abused or something, I don't want to get into it cause I don't think they should have been able to adopt it. The people who sold it to them should be ashamed.

I also have been doing some more crafting.

A couple of crocheted things. かき氷, a bear, and an unfinished mouse in the very back.

A knit hat based on all the ones I've been seeing in magazines. Just like this.

A couple other random things are I saw the HP6 film a while ago and was like
. Especially cause Draco was in this one a lot more
! I loved it even though it was sad. So in my obsession I wanted a Death Eater tattoo, so I did a henna one. And I got some cute shoes I've been wanting forever and now they were on sale for $10. 

It came out pretty good I think.

I love these. I need to go back to Payless for cause they had a lot of stuff on sale for really cheap!

It came out pretty good I think.

I love these. I need to go back to Payless for cause they had a lot of stuff on sale for really cheap!

Okay last thing I promise! Haha, I helped Ashley paint her room and stuff last weekend. It was fun. We painted it a light blue colour that was pretty. We also switched up her furniture and ripped up the carpet. The gray concrete looks pretty with the blue walls.